Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Marcus Evans - Advanced Laboratories - Part ll

Today was the second day and culmination of a very successful conference and workshop.  I know there are many conferences to attend in all countries, including Canada (more on that shortly) but if you are interested in an eclectic conference on laboratory quality, consider looking at next year's Advanced Laboratories 2011 by marcus evans.
Along with my own presentations (which in my opinion were brilliant!) there were a whole series of excellent presentations on training and competency, applying lean concepts to patient flow through patient care, and some interesting studies on coliform testing in the dairy industry.
But for my money, the prize presentation was by Don Mikkelsen of the New Zealand  Blood Service, on "Transforming your management culture to ensure quality and safety improvement".  Using references as broad as Fredrick Winslow Taylor (1911) and James Reason (Human Error) and David Marx (Just Culture) and Groucho Marx ("I have principles, but if you don't like them I also have other principles" Mikkelsn painted a picture of a laboratory environment that recognizes error, but reacts reasonably and appropriately.  Council for human errors (slips and distractions), caution for risk behavior, and discipline for Reckless behavior.  Over-reaction with minor events does know one any good, nor does under reaction for reckless behavior.  Its a matter of knowing what is happening and how to react and when.

Quality and Safety thinking lead to the same end.  Organisational culture is the single biggest factor in progressing either.  A just culture will open the door to a quality improvement culture. And be flexible about what quality tools and principles you adopt.

Don Mikkelsen and I see a lot in common about accreditation, KPIs, and a series of other things about Quality.  I will see if I can get permission to post his presentation and get a written comment.



  1. Just wondering if you will be posting your presentations on this blog by any chance? I would be very interested in reading them.
    Also, you have previously provided employees at Lifelabs with a series of presentations. Will you be repeating any presentations and/or presenting new ones in the near future?

    All the best at the conference and workshop,
    Until next time,


  2. Hello Trouble
    I will be posting my presentations on www.POLQM.ca, which you can access directly, or you can access through this blog. And hopefully some others.
    Conferences like this one that involve Quality from a variety of industries is kind of like "cross-training" exercises. It is all good. We have much to learn from other industries... just as they have lots to learn from us.



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