A teaching exercise (and more)
So I was going through my regular update and revision exercise for my
presentation files. I find it I don’t do
this regularly, they can get very stale, and I get bored talking and teaching about Quality. I suspect that I am not alone.
Anyways the target audience this time is medical laboratory
physician trainees. I don’t think I am
giving away any secrets when I say that this is always a tough audience. Most of this group have a singular attitude
about quality which is unfortunately “What????
DKDC!!!” or, for those uninitiated,
“Don’t Know and Don’t Care”.
It is usually, almost always the case that Quality issues are
never front-of-mind until they are in positions of responsibility and confronted
with a problem, usually an unhappy doc or patient of staff member who has
become entangled with an laboratory error, and find themselves trying to dig
themselves out of a mess. (It’s the same
with safety)
Fortunately we are able to get enough face-time that they may
have some idea about where to start.
So one of the concepts that I have worked with over the years
is the Quality Tree. Don’t think of
Quality as a pyramid with Policy being at the tip-top and its effect trickling
down; rather, invert that pyramid and put Policy at the bottom, as the
foundation, with its impact shoring up the rest of the process. From there it was an easy step to creating an
analogy as a Quality Tree with the roots that give support and nourishment as
But recently as a result of our working on and achieving the
recent certification of our laboratory’s quality system to ISO9001:2015 (YAY !!!),
I realized that this was a good step in the right direction, but was still incomplete.
Organizational Quality does NOT start at the level of Policy
making; it starts with asking the most basic of questions,” (1) who are we and (2)
what are we doing, and (3) what do we want to be when we grow up?”
Quality starts with Top Management envisioning the
organization’s Mission and Vision and setting the organization’s Goals and Objectives.
Once those are in place, then all the rest can and will logically and consistently follow.
For the purpose of this re-positioning of activities, I set up
a set of definitions, that work and make sense.
Mission and Vision are general statements about who we are, what we are
doing, and what we want to become.
Goals and Objectives follow on from the Mission and Vision, and are very specific and focused on what we expect to be doing
now, and in the near and intermediate future.
Mission and Vision and Goal and Objectives are the real drivers of our Policies and our Quality System. This is what really nourishes Quality.
Once those are in place we can create policies and processes
that are consistent with our plan, and procedures that follow. The fruits of our labour are not only our products and services, but our Quality message as well. And we can then point to our need to
disseminate that message, through a clear and distinct error-free and
consistent documentation pathway.
And Top Management is the gardener whose task it is to care
for and nourish the Quality Tree and ensure that it remains healthy and vital
and strong.
I know this is sounding pretty “in the weed’ish” but in my
mind it all becomes clear through my new Quality Tree picture.
Quality is like every other subject that has both academic
and practical applications. I don’t
think these applications can be easily separated. If thinking people don’t understand the
foundations, then applying the practical rules is done only by rote, and all
too often gets screwed up. And equally
important, if the academic purists don’t appreciate that Quality is not
theoretical, it has to be applicable in a way that makes sense.
So for me, the picture works.
If, upon consideration, it also works for you, use it. I put it
out here in the spirit of open access.
Or maybe I have too much time on my hands.
Our 2017 October Quality
Conference is coming together nicely
Sunday October 1 – Tuesday October
3, 2017
All our subjects are in place
All our speakers are in place
Our venue is contracted
More news to come.